Blaming Emotions
I'd like to address this issue of maligning emotions - as if they are inherently bad. "But you were emotional when you responded!" Sounds like an accusation or something. I wish we could get over this concept that emotions are wrong. That we must float through life robotic-like - oh, no, not really - with plastic smiles plastered across our from-here-on-out robotic affect. I wrote a bit about this in a previous post (Two lies that burn holes in relationships), and received some feedback from an insightful relative. I asked her permission to post her thoughts here as I thought they warranted a broader audience. She says it better, and with more credibility than I could! Thank you so much for your helpful insights, and good observations about those two lie-beliefs regarding emotions! I've been fascinated with the topic of emotions and feelings for a LONG time. Here are just a few brief comments, on a few random observations that seem true to me,...