What Will China Gain if the Protests are Heard?
I have not set foot in the homeland of my birth in over 10 years. And yet, I still feel a close bond to the people of Hong Kong. And as I watch and hear and read of all taking place there - these tumultuous times - I can't help but to chime in here with my small, timid, perhaps unheard voice. Because we in America tout the virtues of democracy - but will we speak up for those who risk what they know not, who sit and protest and voice their own desire for freedom? I will. Though this is a small, not oft-read blog, I'll throw in my two-cents about this matter of democracy and freedom. China stands to gain SO much if they heed and hear the cry and protests of those within its governance. Did you catch that? I said, 'those within its governance.' Catch that, please. It means not only those who raise their protest in a land claiming democracy - namely, Hong Kong. It also means those within the border of mainland China. China is a...