12 Tips for Moms with A.D.D. (Part 3)
Continued from Part 2: 9. Harness Structuring Tools I struggle to even use tools like planners, lists, recipe schedules and the like. But I still try and go back to them and start all over. Especially when I lose the list I once had. I often forget that I even have a list. This is what it is like to have A.D.D. Lists and planners sound like great tools, but they don't work if you don't use them - or if you forget to. I have only had a cell phone for just over a year now and am beginning to see what a great tool it is! Now I can put in reminders and calendar events and it will ding me when I need to know! I'm sure this is news to no-one. But it is exciting to me! Maybe in time I will learn other tools that can help - but I put this in my list because someday I'll come back to this and I'll need the reminder. ('Cuz I'll forget there were tools - just call me Dorie). Some other tools are: Make a School Lunch plan - st...