Parenting Advice - Who to Listen To
Recently I've been thinking through our journey as parents - thus far. We're still early in the game - our oldest is only 14. And as I reflect on these 14 years, I realize we have made many mistakes, one of which I want to share with you all so you don't make them too. The mistake is this: Modelling our parenting after those whose kids were not yet grown and who we admired for their exterior superiorness in behaviour and respect. You see, we looked around us and picked out people with model children - those kids who smiled sweetly, were well-mannered, polite and obedient. Emphasis on obedient . These others were ahead a few years than we were, so of course their model - to produce such greatly performing kids - must be the way to go. Please don't do this. People look at us now and might be in our same shoes 14 years ago - our kids can look so wonderful to those who don't live here with us! (Of course, they are wonderful, don't get m...