February 29
An extra day - a breather; a pause. Crisp air, rushing winds, but deadness still sits on parched and empty branches. Just enough warmth to warrant hope and a hint of squishyness in the mud - To promise the dawning of spring. Lent is a season of austerity - a time away from what is our common lot. I put off a habit and add one that requires discipline. I wonder what it is really all about - the ashes, mourning, reflection on spiritual life. Perhaps the last moments of this winter are a visual, experiential reminder of the deadness of soul, which without Christ's redeeming - and resurrecting - work, would remain our permanent condition. Winter's deadness seems to say, "Come, and sit a while in this quiet emptiness. No life is visible in me, yet we know resurrection is at hand. But, for now, wait in it - feel what the absence of vibrant life is like. And wait. Yearn. Hope - while it is dark and bleak. Be still in it. Do no...