Theology and Parenting a Child with A.D.D.
I'm not going to start off by telling you any reason why I have the right to tell you these things. My thoughts should prove helpful regardless, I imagine. If I were talking to a group of parents who are struggling with the challenges of raising a child with A.D.D. here are some of the things I might say to them: Before I get into all the nitty gritty, I want to begin with a basic premise - seemingly so obvious that it might be redundant to state it, but I believe it is a foundational starting point from which to parent any child - or even to interact with any human being, and it is this: Your child was created by God, with His very fingerprints all over them. God stamped His own image, His own self, into the very person you deal with on a daily basis. Your child is created imago dei - in God's image, by God Himself. So we can all agree, God wanted your child to exist, and was intimately involved in the process of making and shaping this chil...