3 Words in Retrospect on 2016
This is what I wrote just a week ago, on Dad's 77th birthday. Tuesday, 3rd January, 2017 Today Dad would've been 77 years old - and he would tell me that he had attained perfection eleven times over (7 being the number of perfection)! The grief and missing him comes in waves - tears cannot be restrained and emerge when I'm alone, driving to pick up kids or wishing I could watch him blow out candles on the traditional Crutchfield birthday cake. Last year I decided to form my year around 3 words - to orient me, to clarify where I was at or what was/were going to be my theme(s). I found myself with an uncanny (and unusual, for me) drive to clean - toothpick clean - and found cleaning to be both therapeutic and frustrating at the same time. The word "CLEANING" emerged for me as a picture of much needed backlog of internal soul-work that had been left untouched. I had prayed for God to lead me to the three words I needed for the year. And on the threshold of...