At the Intersection of Doubt and Shame

These past two weeks have been harrowing for me as I came down with covid, and traversed very dark days where I struggled to breathe and stay alive. I'd like to say it was all rosy and I had faith in God throughout this ordeal. On some level, I did - I had confidence God would do His good will, and I trust He defines 'good' not I. Whatever comes from His hand, I will welcome, be it life or death. I simply did not like the process of what I thought might be death: it was terribly painful and uncomfortable. It was discouraging to try to take gulps of air and watch the oximeter barely make it above 90%. I had to focus all my energy on breathing. I also was unable to read (headaches, can't keep eyes focused), watch anything (it seems pointless, the imaginative dramas produced by human imagination - though I know there are rich treasures in film and drama - I just couldn't focus on it), write, think clearly, converse with anyone. I had nothing I could really do other t...