Self-Curiosity Disorder - a new proposal for the DSM
Though I am not in the professional realm of psychology, I am in the UNprofessional realm of it. And I'd like to propose a new diagnosis: Self-Curiosity Disorder. There are those walking amongst us who seem like well-adjusted adults. Citizens held in high regard. Kind and loving and decent people. People you'd like to know better and some who you'd like to not know better. They walk amongst us, and often they are busy doing good things and serving in some capacity. Keeping busy helps with this kind of disorder. Now, a disorder is only labelled as such because it is disruptive to life. And some disorders lie beneath the surface - they are rather hidden, and only show up in intimate family relationships. I'd say this new disorder could be co-morbid with clinical depression, anxiety disorders, and personality disorders (there's a whole cluster of those). The main tenet of this disorder is a surprising lack of curiosity about onesself. And it is rampant most l...