Internet Detox

So in order to maximize my efficiency as a housewife and Mom we have discovered some special internet controls (something called Chrome Nanny).  Initially we decided to use it because the kids were beginning to have fights over using the computer and doing time-wasting things on it.  We were tired of the fights, tired of the division in our family.  And I've bene reading a book (Almost Amish) and have been sensing a bit of conviction over my distractability with the computer.  So we decided to set up the chromenanny to help structure the use of the computer for all of us.  Since I'm techno-challenged I can't even begin to think how I would break through it and change the rules.  So it is a great help for me - ever distracted and called away from my primary tasks.  This week has been the start of homeschooling, but also the start of my internet detox.  Wanna know how it's going?  Here's an email I wrote to Sam this week while he was at work (my email is one of the allowed sites - and has opened up more in-depth relational focus rather than the one-liners I am glued to on facebook):

Hi Sam,

This internet detox is killing me.  I can't believe how undisciplined
I've been.  What began as a journey to correct my kids waywardness has
evolved into an expose of my own failings!  This is a hard thing for
me to learn, but it is going to be wonderful, I believe - because it
is going to increase the time I give to relationships - to my family
and others.  For example, last night I thought about jotting a quick
email to a friend because she influenced me in what I said to Caleb
last night.  Usually, if I had that impulse, I would go to the
computer, check facebook, news etc.  Then I'd forget why I came and if
I remembered I might have second thoughts about writing her.  Then I'd
just be too lazy to compose a simple email and forget about it.  And
she would be less encouraged and our relationship would remain where
it was - no growth or fostering of mutual edification.  Also, I
wouldn't be writing this email to you now.  My mind would be off
laughing at someone's political joke or pun about the chaos of having
toddlers running around.  Even if it were merely a few minutes here
and there - it isn't so much the time consumption (because I would
check the time once in a while on that time measuring program), but
the distraction and the abundance of things - especially relational
things - that would fall by the wayside.

This morning Priscilla got to work on her stuff.  I graded her math.
Wrote her a list of assignments and corrections.  Then I cooked her
an omelette and made chunky applesauce from the apples from the
Petry's.  We had a late breakfast together at 10:30 and discussed the
food groups and the chemistry of nutrition.  (Carbohydrate means
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen).  Not sure if I'm right about all of that
- and I'd check it online just now, but I CAN'T!!!  So, I continue in
this email.  A complete email.  Undistracted.  Like a real
conversation with you.  Imagine.  It is a new day for me.

And actually, I write best when I write to people.  Real people.
People I know, see, hear and touch.  And then if I write something
shareable, I can just copy and paste into my blog.  Kill two birds
with one stone - right?

I love you Sammy.

Thanks for supporting me in so many ways.  Thank you for being my
techno-guru.  Thank you for patiently journeying with me, even in the
midst of my very distractable nature.  Maybe you can quit growing in
patience with this new software restriction in place.  I may just grow
into a minimally efficient wife, Mom and housekeeper.  I wouldn't bet
on it just yet.  But you never know.  Miracles happen every day.




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