My Pet Kid Penguin
So lately Timothy has taken to wearing a penguin outfit. You know - the plush, zip up costume generally sold in the month of October. He discovered it during our unpacking recently and put it on and has barely taken it off for the last few days (except when I've made him). I wonder if it has some kind of sensory effect - the tightness of it - the thickness - the warmth and the novelty. Either way it has made for some entertaining moments over here at the Logan residence. He also loves mowing the lawn. Even if it doesn't need to be mowed, I will start it up for him and send him off. In the fall it is raking leaves he loves and in the winter, shovelling snow. (Neighbours: keep this in mind - when we run out of snow to shovel come by and see if he'll jump at the chance to shovel your driveway!) This past week he was in his penguin outfit and wanted to mow the lawn. Why not? Who else in our neighbourhood has a giant penguin mowing t...