A Taste of Love Divine
by love to enter
Knowing, certainty, piety;
all claim to my frame: Abandon secure assertions,
open my soul to love Divine –
the warmth that can only be God.
(For He is a consuming fire)
‘That He loves me,’ is something I know –
I can hold it, define it, manage it, contain it,
As if it were some tame, sentimental ornament to adorn
my life.
He speaks to my soul and tells me, “My love is beyond
It is only to be felt in the depths,
It cannot be known or it would cease to be holy other.
I invite you to a new kind of knowing,
As the beloved disciple spoke of it:
‘We have come to know and rely on the love of God.’
You see, there is no real knowing of my love
Without total reliance on it.”
And my heart is turned: I had it all wrong.
No, I cannot hold, define, manage, or contain the love
of God,
Any more than the blazing sun can be gift-wrapped and
held in my pocket.
For He is a
consuming fire.
It is known in single moments – seconds even – for
mercy’s sake:
A full-fledged unveiling of divine love would render
the sinner mute
The conscious-mind numbed; The wrestling soul stilled;
The exuberant abased; The hopeful in awe –
In essence, the body would perhaps explode
From the overwhelm
Of what truly the love of God is.
Scholars can ponder, Poets can muse
Choirs can proclaim –
All creation can overflow; and still
The Love of God cannot be held, managed, explained or
My words get in the way
When all I want is to run headlong into the love of
God –
Forgetting all I know of Him to be immersed in Him –
In Christ
There is no other place for me.
‘Many waters
cannot quench love,
Neither can
the floods drown it.’
Baptize me in this flood of Your love,
Jesus, Lover
of my soul, Consuming Fire,
Love Divine, All
loves excelling.
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