The OTHER 5 Love Languages

I have often said my love language is "Being Right" and people laugh until they realize I'm not kidding - I am actually serious.  That led me to reflect on the 5 Love Languages and come up with 5 that they seemed to miss.  I consider the 5 Love Languages as kind of a primer - like the primary colours, and my 2nd 5 as the more nuanced, but no less significant love languages.  I won't comment what I think of the book, its author or why I like or dislike the concept.  I only mention it because my 5 kind of tag on to the first 5.

Just an overview:
The 5 Love Languages promotes the idea of learning and speaking both your own and your loved one's love 'language' - the way he or she primarily receives and gives love, in the most intuitive sense.

 The 5 are described as:

1. Words of Affirmation (whether spoken or written)
2. Acts of Service
3. Gifts
4. Quality Time
5. Physical Touch

Once you have those down - in that you understand how to use them to express love and affection - and interpret how others show you love, you can then move on to the 2nd set which I will describe in 5 future blogs.

Here are the OTHER 5 Love Languages:

1. Being Right
2. Food (or 'Special Interest')
3. Sex
4. Financial Security
5. Primacy

Some would say, 'Isn't 'being right' along the lines of 'words of affirmation'?' And I would say - not exactly, though there may be some overlap.  Some would say, 'Isn't a particularly rare kind of gourmet cheese along the lines of 'Gifts'?' And I would say, - not exactly, though there may be some overlap...and on and on.  In the next 5 blogs I'll go through these so you can get a picture of why I think the 5 Love Languages didn't go far enough in covering the great diversity of the human race when it comes to ways we give and receive love.


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