My Pilgrim Journey

 I am a person in process – never quite done I suppose

We find our start in life with a Mother.

I have a Mother, who had a Mother.  I am a Mother

Imperfectly Mothered, I Mother.

Yet mostly I don’t know what it is I’m doing or how to keep doing it.

But there is no out – No quitting! No vacation! – This permanent job.

Yet because of my own Mother-wound

Deep, still unhealed – I undertake a journey;

A walk through the interior and find a need, a lack, a soul-longing.

What is this yearning – how does it shape me in this moment?

It tells me I have unfinished business

Never complete this side of the mansion in the sky.

It tells me this hunger in my soul – both gift and burden –

A yoke easy pressing about me – weight assures me weariness is real.

I do not imagine the load.


And a voice whispering Divine Love assures me:

“The hungry are fed and never sent away empty.”

I welcome, with joy, this news. My heart overflows with hope:

“Oh please, dear Love, never send me away at all!

Your presence will feed this hunger. I will feast at your table of mercy.”


There is no substitute for a Mother’s love

So I yield my empty soul to the throne of Grace

Finding the supply a bountiful harvest:

The Abundance of God spreads a banquet before a famished pilgrim.

I am this pilgrim.

This is my journey:


A quest to the heart of God; to know it, sense it - be lost in it.

Danger? Perhaps.

Courage girds me, supplied by the Giver Who paved the way in blood

Spilled in extravagant tenderness

I immerse my whole self in love so amazing, so divine.

Clouds and showers of blessing burst and I splash in the ocean

Underneath, all about, swept by currents

Lifting, drawing and moving me to longed-for Treasure:

The heart of God.


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