God's Birthday

 Is it audacious to pretend that God has a birthday?

Today the whole world seems to pause and recognize...something, if not, someONE.

  Those who come to adore the Christ-child and those who merely tip their hat in token reverence - most of the world will in some way commemorate the coming of this newborn baby, come to make all things new.

  And how will we honour Him? In the markets we will purchase. In our homes we will decorate. Some will travel far and wide to gather together with family, whether natural or chosen. There will be food, feasting, desserts, fun, simple gifts, abundant gifts. We will honour the birth of the holy child by honouring each other.

  Don't you think the God Who made us, delights in our delight in good gifts - the gift of each other, yes, but also the new fluffy blanket, new notebook and pen, new robot vacuum, new piano books, new dollhouse, new art kit, new socks, new bouquet of flowers? Aren't these tangible pictures that hint to our deep longing that ALL things be made new?

  This weary world rejoices: we weary of our old, worn-out selves. The fraying edges of my soul long to settle into the fresh, untattered, undying, ever-new blanket of God's love. 

  Many like to point out how we should love the Giver more than the gift, and not get distracted from Who He is on this Holy day of celebration. Why would we add shame to the docket to mar the joy He comes to bring?! Surely, the gifts we receive this day reflect the abundant joy of the Giver! Surely He delights to see His children rejoice in His kind abundance! Any parent will tell you how we gain pleasure in our children eagerly opening and receiving what we have prepared for them. 

  So today, will you celebrate and open yourself to the wonder, joy, and delight of all God's good gifts to you? Some will be surrounded by family, some will celebrate quietly, even in solitude and silence. Even in the hushed moments of calm, will there be a moment, a reverent bowing of your head, a whispered "thank you!" to the Christ-child Whose coming refreshes all Who long for Him. I do long for the day when this weary world can truly rejoice in the God Who makes all things new. I thank Him that He is making me new, day by day. That in my journey of struggles, doubts, despair, restlessness, and confusion, He patiently and lovingly takes the clay that is my self, and continues to work and re-work it (me!) into something new. "Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day," so says the Apostle Paul (2 Cor. 4).

So DO celebrate God's birthday today - not because God was ever born (He has no beginning!), but because He entered our decaying world as a new baby, cradled first in the earthen vessel of Mary's womb and then in a humble vessel made of wood; a lowly manger. This new baby comes to be born again and again in earthen vessels of our very mortal flesh - to be born in us, and borne by us: "Let loving hearts enthrone Him!" He makes us new by taking up residence in our flesh, inhabiting our hearts by faith. It is a mystery for sure - a mystery, as much as an adventure.

  May the infant child, Jesus, "born to set His people free," find a birthplace in your soul today - a warm welcome of rejoicing and gratitude; a welcome of hopeful anticipation of all He will fulfill, of all that is weary, worn, and hanging by a thread, being made new, whole, restored, - as new as the freshly born child in the manger.

"Behold, I am making all things new."


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