Emails from the week after the burglary 3
Regarding giving Sam advice on girls, I was actually quite annoyed with his methodical approach. I had stirring passions and strong opinions on the subject, as I tend to do on almost every subject that crosses my path. Perhaps it was God Who helped me not say what I thought the moment I thought it, but to write it down for him to digest on his own. From: Sarah Crutchfield Monday October 11, 1999 Subject: a thought for you I wrote this on the bus to school this morning, you can take it or leave it: Sam, don't pursue marriage because you want to get married and there's a nice girl that wants to marry you. Get married someday because there is a girl so precious to you that you can't imagine life without her. You, as a man, must be fully convinced of your love for her - it is even more essential than she being fully convinced of her love for you. You must be confident and know that you love her, without a doubt in your mind. Your heart will bear witness ...