Yesterday was hard for us. One of our children had continual melt-downs and wrong perceptions and made our dinner-time almost unbearable. Another kid plugged his ears and left the table at one point just to get away from the mayhem. Amazingly , I didn't lose my temper. (Insert applause here). Admitting this to the public is somewhat bold, and if I was the sensitive type I couldn't do it . Everyone thinks they know how to handle a special-needs kid...until they have one. I was confident in my parenting until life threw us a curveball. I could have advised every parent out there exactly how to handle every possible disciplinary action imaginable. I was creative, courageous, unyielding, stiff-necked even. I was a Mom to be reckoned with. And then we had a child who didn't fit the mold. He didn't roll with the punches. He didn't 'get' our method. He didn't conform, submit, respond or seem to even understand th...