Prayer of a Modern Pharisee

Oh Lord,

I thank You for the redemption I now have which, though a gift from You, came by my choosing.  I am so glad I was able to see the light and have chosen well.

Others aren't as blessed as I am.  I thank You that I can live at peace knowing I have crossed every 't' and dotted every 'i' in the realm of spiritual living.

Thank you for my freedom which I use so wisely and that I don't live as a slave to my job or to money or to my hobbies but that I give myself to much worthier pursuits...unlike SO many others.

Thank you for helping me to see the better way and please help me to instruct others accordingly, because I know they will be so blessed by my superior knowledge.

For these things I thank you,

Do I need to comment on the above?  I hope not.  I hope it is apparent what I mean by putting this out there.  Don't our prayers smack of this sentiment sometimes?  Instead, let our prayers reflect the sentiment of the tax-collector who knew the sinful condition of his heart:

Oh Lord,

I am sorry.  I fail.  I have no hope in this life but You - You only can meet me in my need.

You only can satisfy me.

I have pursued other things.  I have wasted myself in ungodly endeavours.  I have not loved You with all that is in me.  Help me.  I am desperate for You.

Only by Your mercy can I dare to lift my head.  In Your holy presence I shudder.  I have no worthiness to seek You.  But Your Son has opened the door.  Though undeserving I have accepted His gift.  But without Your life-giving Spirit I could not know You.

I thank You for seeing me, in all my ugly filth, and coming to me anyway.  You stooped down to rescue a wretched sinner.

I am grateful.  I am needy.  I am dependent on You.  For all Your grace, I thank You.



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