Dear Blog Readers of Mine,

Thank you for visiting my blog! I really enjoy writing and getting the Bees out of my Bonnet - if only they would stay out. It is very fun for me to realize that people actually read the things I write. I began to blog after so many people asked me to write my story, and that was the primary purpose... but then there were so many other things that floated through my mind that would keep me awake at night that I began to view it as my venting spot. The millions of thoughts that putter around in my head now have an outlet - how refreshing!

I am not techno-savvy. I don't hardly know how to add gadgets or extras to this thing. I just followed the basic instructions that the blogger site walked me through. I also so far refuse to add any sidebar ads. I am possessive of what appears on my screen and don't want any unwelcome stuff there - and also I figure it just makes it simpler for readers to not be distracted by clutter. If only I could get myself to see the beauty of eliminating distracting clutter in my physical world, I'm sure my family would SO appreciate it. One thing at a time I suppose.

After a few weeks of blogging I figured out I could see where people are reading from. I always get excited when a new country pops up - like recently someone in Qatar viewed it. I don't know anyone in Qatar. That was cool! If you're interested I'll post some of the countries where people read from...

Anyway, thanks for reading - you all are so encouraging to me! Even when I don't know you!



  1. Sarah- thought I would write and let you know our family had fun remembering your family last week, as we dined on African curry soup. Made for some fun memories as they talked about playing with your kids, riding horses and seeing their puppies. Yet another way your blog brightens others' days. Rachel for the Joys

  2. Thanks Rachel! I just saw Namibia show up - woo hoo! Also, there have been some from Brazil that I assume have translated it with Google Translate into Portugese! Pretty cool.


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