A children's hymn for you today: In our work and in our play, Jesus, ever with us stay; May we always strive to be true and faithful unto Thee. Then we truthfully can sing, we are children of the King. My we in Thy strength subdue evil tempers, words untrue, Thoughts impure, and deeds unkind, all things hateful to Thy mind. Then we truthfully can sing, we are children of the King. Children of the King are we! May we loyal to Him be; Try to please Him every day, in our work and in our play. Then we truthfully can sing, we are children of the King. by Whitfield, G. Wills 1841-1891 Now, a disclaimer. I do love hymns and I do love theology. I understand the words of this may muddy the waters of theology - because even if we fail to strive or fail to try to please our King, we are still His children. But the concepts are good - that we carry His presence with us in all we do throughout the day, and this reality should certainly affect the things we do, the thoughts we think and the ...