On Daily Devotions

I met God in the afternoon
when the day was at its best for me -
For the kids were all now settled
and I had some time for tea.

My Bible opened, Hannah kicking nearby -
I trusted this quiet to last with no cries!
For the morning is busy and giving up sleep
to nurture my soul still leaves me weak -
Fatigue makes the challenge for the Spirit's control
Greater and trying, and I certainly know
That Jesus walks with me through each of my hours
When kids are contented, or I'm covered with flour!

When chaos ensues and my attitude fails
Or when it's smooth sailing - the absence of wails!
By formally meeting with Him or not,
I know He is with me and I am not fraught
With worry or fear for I'm not alone,
I talk to Him often - His peace I own.

For you and the season of life you now walk -
Morn, noon or sunset - any time on the clock -
It may be the best to meet God other times,
But remember He's with you - seek and you'll find.

Meet Him because your soul hungers and thirsts -
Not out of guilt, pretending 'God's first!.'
Put off lesser things - internet or T.V.-
And seek God instead - with your calm cup of tea!

And know that He listens to your heart all the time -
No murmur or sighing escapes His vast mind.
Meet with Him - Yes! - but walk with Him too -
For nothing is worth it, unless He walks with YOU.


  1. Perfect. Thanks! Just what I need to be reminded of right now!

    1. Thanks Amy! I got annoyed with the poem 'I met God in the morning' as if you can't have God with you throughout the day unless you formalize a time in the morning... so I wrote my own.

    2. Do I have your permission to circulate this/any blog by e-mail for those who don't have facebook?

    3. feel free - go ahead! I love it when people share my blog :)


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