My Book List

What I'm reading:

1. Plan B by Pete Wilson
2. Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer
3. Hitler's Cross by Erwin Lutzer
4. The Incomparable Christ by J. Oswald Sanders
5. 12 "Christian" Beliefs that can drive you crazy by Cloud and Townsend
6. The Key to Your Child's Heart by Gary Smalley
7. The Blessing
8. The Original Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy
9. Stop Walking on Eggshells
10. Guilt and Grace by Tournier

There are more, but 10 is enough to list here.
You can see they are random and varied.

Recently Finished:

Going Solo by Roald Dahl (I especially liked his description of the dotty British Empire overseas dwellers with idiosyncrasies that were somewhat familiar to my experience of this rare breed, so much so that it was uncanny.)
The Twits
(also by Roald Dahl)
The latter two were read out loud to the kids, with them often in stitches rolling on the floor. I write that in full text because it isn't a figure of speech, but an actual fact.

As you can see, I don't finish books frequently. But I do read a lot.


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