How I Met Sam Part 6

Sam did not return to our fellowship until four weeks later after he resolved some visa problems. There was an interesting turn of events that brought our paths much closer than I’d ever imagined was possible. My Dad had been on a trip to Vietnam and so it was just my Mom and me, and he was due to return Sunday after Church. Early that morning, we heard on the news that the latest typhoon was so severe that Hong Kong was closing all public transport. We had to cancel Church because of this. Bas phoned us and explained that Sam was on his way from China where the news had not reached and would be arriving on the last train running. He was coming for the Church service that was not to be! Bas asked us to pick both he and Sam up and we arranged to have a small Breaking of Bread service in our living room, just the four of us. After that, my Mom began lunch preparations and told me what she wanted me to do for lunch. She needed to pick up my Dad at the airport and invited Bas to go and help carry the luggage. Suddenly I felt I was in a very awkward position.
I was in our house with Sam who had come for Church and no one else was there. I felt it was inappropriate, but I was stuck! I busied myself in the kitchen vowing to talk to him as little as possible. He followed me in the kitchen and asked to help. I tried to get him to sit on the couch and read or something, but he was persistent and so finally I just let him stay in the kitchen with me. We talked and I found out about him and his life. He had grown up in Zambia, the son of missionary parents. His experience was vastly different to mine, but we had both struggled to adjust to the U.S. I found out that before he had moved to China he had been involved in teaching Sunday School and leading kids clubs. I began to feel that there was a lot we had in common, but still tried to hold him at arms length.

Follow this link to Part 7:


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